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Aug 23, 2022
Absolution is the washing away of sin. The promise of rebirth. And the chance to escape the transgressions of those who came before us....
Aug 21, 2022
Chaos... by its very definition cannot be controlled. Once introduced, all order and intention is rendered useless. The outcome of chaos...
Aug 20, 2022
The Past
There's an old saying about those who cannot remember the past being condemned to repeat it. But those of us who refuse to forget the...
Aug 19, 2022
Some say loyalty inspires boundless hope. And while that may be, there is a catch. True loyalty takes years to build... and only seconds...
Aug 18, 2022
They say the best laid plans often go a lie. Because no matter how detailed the preparation, a plan will always have a weak point and...
Aug 17, 2022
They say let he who is without sin cast the first stone. And to be without sin requires absolute forgiveness. But when your memories are...
Aug 16, 2022
You are not pathetic
I was told that my reason for being depressed was “pathetic”, and that I “had plenty of things going” for myself, but depression doesn’t...
Aug 15, 2022
A recovery story is a messy thing. It has dozens of beginnings and no final ending. Most of the conflict and drama is internal, and...
Aug 13, 2022
I'm finding that one of the most important efforts is writing about my experience with depression. Writing is one way I discover things,...
Aug 13, 2022
When asked “how are you?”, how often do you tell the truth? Yep, thought so. Don’t worry, I fib too. All the time. Now, how often, when...
Aug 10, 2022
Depression pushed into every corner of my existence, and both work and family life became more and more difficult. The medications only...
Aug 8, 2022
Two Faced
As Hamlet said to Ophelia, ”God has given you one face, and you make yourself another." The battle between these two halves of...
Aug 5, 2022
For the righteous, the revelation is a joyous event, the realization of a divine truth. But for the wicked, revelations can be far more...
Aug 4, 2022
Ask yourself how often you think about others?
Think back to the last time you were at the grocery store, walked down the sidewalk, rode the train, or took the elevator. Now try to...
Aug 3, 2022
Darkness scares us. We yearn for the comfort of light as it provides shape and form, allowing us to recognize and define what's before...
Aug 3, 2022
Fight or Flight
When you have been that person who is always there for others, and then that role changes because you need a shoulder, people can be so...
Aug 2, 2022
A person's true identity can often be difficult to discern, even to themselves, causing one to question their character, their calling,...
Aug 1, 2022
Always question where your loyalties lie. The people you trust will expect it, your greatest enemies will desire it, and those you...
Jul 31, 2022
Power...Born out of nature, Coveted by men; Wars rage on, And victors are crowned. But true power can never be lost or won. True power...
Jul 30, 2022
If we choose to, we can live in a world of comforting illusions. We can allow ourselves to be deceived by false realities. Or we can use...
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