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I’m watching Nobody Wants This on Netflix, which is pretty good—plus, it’s got hottie Adam Brody and the always-adorable Kristen Bell. Like so many shows, it’s set in LA, and every time I see a scene, I’m suddenly hit with a flood of memories—like a million all at once. I’ll catch a glimpse of a random street or coffee shop, and bam, I’m transported back to when LA was my playground.

I miss the chaos, the sunsets, the traffic I swore I hated, and even the brunch lines I barely remember. It’s funny how a simple scene can bring on all this nostalgia, like, “Oh hey, I’ve definitely been stuck in that exact spot on the 405 for hours before!” No matter where I am now, whenever LA pops up on screen, it feels like the city is teasing me—reminding me of the good, the bad, and all the truly weird times I had there.



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