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When asked “how are you?”, how often do you tell the truth?

Yep, thought so. Don’t worry, I fib too. All the time.

Now, how often, when someone says to you “I’m fine”, do you follow up if you’re think they’re not? Yep, me too.

I’m very fortunate that I have a fiancée, some family members and a handful of mates who seem to sense when my mental health is dipping and know to ask me twice (or more!) if they hear “yeah, fine, you?”.

Now, asking twice doesn’t mean literally saying the same thing again. That would be annoying.

“How are you?”

“Yeah, fine, you?”

“How are you?”


To me, asking twice means different things. If you ask twice with interest, listen and take what your friend has to say seriously, it can really show you’re open to hear more when they’re ready to talk. I for one can say that people asking me twice when I’ve been depressed has played a huge part in saving my life.



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