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I have no will to fight with you or to even try to explain this face to face because I know you’ll start defending yourself. You’ll start telling me that I’m being too emotional. Or that what I’m saying is silly and makes no sense.

But you can’t choose how am I going to feel. You’ve already done your part of the work.

What you did to me actually brought me down to my knees and it will take me a long time to pick myself up. But I’ll have to do it for the sake of my happiness. I’ll have to find a way to close the wounds you created.

In the meantime, I want to ask you to be careful with your words. You never know how deep you’re cutting and how much damage you bring with them.

Even when you don’t have bad intentions, your advice can still end up being harmful.

You used to be my favorite family member and now, I’m struggling to fix myself after everything you’ve done. But I’m going to make it, I know I will. I just need some time and I’ll be as good as my old self.



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