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As I recovered yesterday, I was also dealing with some unsettling news that arrived in an email. Needless to say, I’m not thrilled about my friend’s decision not to be part of my book, but honestly, I’m not completely surprised. It’s disappointing, but at least everyone else agreed to let me use their names.

To top it off, I opened up to my mom about what was going on with me, feeling she had already read an email I printed out to share with my new therapist. I was pouring my heart out, but she struggled to focus, thinking I was fidgeting too much—which, come on, shouldn’t matter since I was clearly upset. Our conversation meandered through various topics, including how I felt nobody cared when my grandma died. I also mentioned my friend Melissa, and within ten minutes, my mom fixated on that and started looking up information about Melissa’s son. So much for my concerns!

Balancing my physical recovery with this emotional blow has made for one heck of a long day.



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