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Access Denied

I came across a quote that said:   "You can forgive some people without welcoming them back into your life.   Apology accepted.  Access denied."

Yesterday, my mom had me drop her off at my dad's retirement home to use his car. When we got there, she told me to pull up to the front, where I saw my dad sitting on a bench. I said, "Oh, yeah, I see the ugly man," as he sat there all decrepit. I said, "He makes me want to vomit," since we have not spoken in two and a half after locking me out of his home and kicking my dog. She said, "You need to get over this... he doesn't care." I said, "Exactly!" It's incredibly painful to be completely shut out by someone who is supposed to be your parent, and the cruelty he showed by locking me out and hurting my pet is something I can't just get over. She then said, "You're the only one that's mad, and it's only hurting you." She took forever getting out of the car, and I was stressed, not looking in his direction as he stumbled toward the car. She then said. “He still asks  about  you.”  I  live  less than a mile  from his old folks  home. If he  actually gave  a shit  he  could  call, email, or  simply  knock  on the door, but that's  not the case. Here's the thing: he doesn't care about anyone but his money. He only "cares" about my mom because she is helping take care of him since he's falling apart medically and has no one else. He has been horrible to her for over 40 years and, until two years ago, wouldn't even address her by name. I don't need or want to be around that, and because he moved to California, I am limited in events with my family because of his presence which I refuse to attend. He should have never burdened everyone by moving here, as my sister originally told him to stay in Indiana.



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