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Bad Dreams

Recently, my dreams have been getting weirder and weirder, like they're taking a trip to crazy town. When I wake up, I can't shake this creepy feeling that something's not right. It's like my brain is cooking up a recipe for disaster, filling me with all these scary thoughts. And now, I'm starting to worry that people are looking at me like I'm some kind of nutcase, like I don't belong in the real world. I'm scared they might try to lock me up and pump me full of pills that'll turn me into a zombie. It's like I'm stuck in a messed-up story that I can't escape from, especially when even my own family seems to be giving me the side-eye. They act all caring and friendly, but deep down, I feel like they're trying to change me into someone I'm not, just to fit in with their idea of normal. It's a lonely feeling, being lost in a sea of doubt, with no one to trust and nowhere to turn.



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