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Choosing Favorites

Narcissistic mothers are also known for choosing favorites among their children. One child is the golden child and the other is the black sheep of the family. They shower the golden child with attention and praise while either ignoring the black sheep or devaluing them.

As a result of this favoritism, the golden child frequently becomes a narcissist themselves while the black sheep suffers severe damage to their self-esteem. They constantly try to please their mother and gain her approval, only to fail every time.

As adults, they are either feckless people pleasers or they refuse to take any chances. They can become complete failures because of the way their mother treated them. Once again, it’s a tragedy for either child.

Without help, they don’t even know this isn’t normal, and they continue to play the roles their mother gave them throughout their lives. What’s more, any relationship they might have had as siblings is completely destroyed.



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