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The song Cabaret perfectly mirrors my own approach to life—embracing the mess, the chaos, and the imperfection with a big, defiant grin. Like Sally, I've faced my share of adversity even if it means dancing on the edge of recklessness. Whether it's navigating through a series of unfortunate events or laughing at the absurdity of my own misadventures, I've learned to see life as a kind of performance—a cabaret where the show must go on, no matter what. Sure, things get a little wild and unpredictable, but that's what makes it interesting! Just like Sally, I've come to accept that life is messy, unpredictable, and fleeting, but that's all part of the fun. And really, what’s the point in sitting all alone in your room when you can step into the spotlight, flaws and all, and give the world one heck of a show?

"I used to have this girlfriend known as Elsie

With whom I shared for sordid rooms in Chelsea

She wasn't what you'd call a blushing flower

As a matter of fact she rented by the hour

The day she died the neighbors came to snick her

Well, that is what comes from too much pills and liquor

But when I saw her laid out like a queen

She was the happiest corpse I'd ever seen

I think of Elsie to this very day

I remember how she'd turned to me and say

"What good is sitting"

"All alone in your room?"

"Come hear the music play"

"Life is a cabaret, old chum"

"Come to the cabaret"

And as for me, huh

And as for me

I made my mind up back in Chelsea

When I go... I'm going like Elsie

Start by admitting

From cradle to tomb

It isn't that long a stay

Life is a cabaret, old chum

It's only a cabaret, old chum

And I love a cabaret..."



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