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Yesterday was a complete disaster from start to finish. It all started when AT&T came to install fiber, even though my old internet was working just fine. The guy was in and out for over four hours, which meant I couldn’t do anything—no working on the computer, no watching TV, nothing. I was stuck at home, just in case he needed me, which of course he did. Luckily, the internet reset about 15 minutes after he left. Then, I thought I’d take a chance at the casino—lost 100 bucks, which made the day even worse. I came home, took a nap, and didn’t need the internet at that point, go figure. When I woke up, I asked my mom to go to Black Angus because I’d been craving it, and I never go out to eat. At first, she said no, but then changed her mind an hour later. When we finally got there, it was crowded, so we left. We tried another steakhouse—same story, crowded. I suggested Chipotle, but she drove right past it. After driving around for what felt like forever, I just told her to take me home, where I ate old pasta. To top it all off, because of the internet fiasco, the YouTube TV I’d been 'borrowing' for two years needed a location reset, so now I can’t watch any of the shows I’d been streaming. I went to bed at 8 PM, calling it a night on a truly awful day.



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