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Do narcissists tend to have issues with remembering everyday events?

What? I never said that! No, you crazy asshole, I never did that! That was you! Look, you need help, you're fucking insane to think I’m cheating with your boss/brother/sister/grandmother/cat. (It seems most of them will fuck anything with a pulse - and sometimes even that isn't required) It’s generally called gaslighting. No one knows if they believe their own lies - I could never figure that one out and it's certainly pointless asking them - NT: Do you believe your own lies? Narc: What lies? I don't lie like you do! However, I have observed they do have really poor recall on mundane, trivial events, timelines and places. It appears to me that this is a consequence of constantly self-deluding and lying to the point that reality is so mutable and fluid for them that they have no faculty for reliable recall - that part of their immensely fucked up brain has atrophied to uselessness or they never had it in the first place. We'll never know the answer to that. It would be fair to assume that pathological lying does make reliable recall extremely difficult. It also appears to become exponentially worse with age. All narcs are pathological liars - just ask them if they are and they will tell you another lie - “no"! If they answered “yes", run, they are about to kill you.



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