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Drama and More Drama

Narcissist thrive on excitement and drama, and they love creating drama and watching how everyone around them responds. It makes them feel powerful because they can cause such explosive responses, and they can interfere in the lives of their loved ones.

For the narcissistic mother, her children are like her toys she can manipulate whenever she wants. Though she would never admit it, she gets pleasure out of blowing up your life and watching what happens. It’s a form of entertainment.

That’s why she will create conflict where none existed. She will start an argument over some irrelevant topic or fly into a rage over the slightest comment that wasn’t even intended as an insult. She loves that drama, and when you push back against what she’s saying, that’s like throwing gasoline on a fire.

She does this all the time too, and it drains you emotionally. You can easily feel overwhelmed, stressed, and of course, frustrated because every time you turn around, there’s another issue that has come up out of nowhere.

Of course, that level of stress has numerous physical and mental side effects, particularly since it creates a mindset in you in which you can never feel at ease. You can’t relax, because you never know when the next conflict will come up. There’s no peace to be found, and that makes for weary existence.



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