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I just watched Midnight Sun on Netflix at 4 AM, a film about a girl with a rare disease called XP. I haven't cried this hard during a movie in I don't know how long—probably since watching Beaches or Boys on the Side, which are old but I often think about their endings. This movie was too much for so early in the day, but it was really good!  Maybe it’s because seven years ago today, I climbed into a Range Rover and headed to a rehab center, driven by promises and a staged intervention. Just three days later, I escaped, only to be pursued down the street by the interventionist under the merciless Palm Springs sun. As he thrust a list at me, it felt less like advice and more like a collection of threats from those I trusted. I was bullied into staying, pressured to comply. When I didn’t, I ended up on the streets of Los Angeles, where some of the worst things imaginable happened. Despite years of therapy, the stark lesson remains: when you trust people, you hand them the power to destroy you. I even wrote a book about it which will hopefully be out soon finally! It's definitely going to be one of those emotional days. There is so much snot  filling my nose!



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