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After a long stretch of wakefulness, I completed the task of wrapping the presents I'd purchased for my family members. Curious about my mom's plans for the day, I inquired if she had any errands, but she had none. I also asked about her scheduled massage, to which she responded that she hadn't booked it yet due to the newfound sunny weather.

Taking advantage of the sunshine, I decided to head over to my sister's house with the sign I had painted. Once there, I assembled and mounted the sign on the poles. Upon returning home, my mom informed me that she was going for the massage and conveyed to my sister that I'd come back later in the evening to appreciate the lighting setup I had arranged.

Three hours passed before my mom returned from the massage. Though the prospect of revisiting my sister's place seemed daunting, I stuck to my commitment, only to find myself too exhausted afterward to make use of the $100 free play at the casino.



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