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This morning, the first words out of my mom’s mouth were, “Thanks for coughing all over the place. I think you got me sick.” Mind you, this was after I spent all of yesterday completely flattened, convinced I had the flu and low-key planning my funeral playlist. I was curled up in bed, a blanket burrito of misery, and yet somehow I managed to be patient zero? Could I at least get some sympathy before we start pointing fingers? Instead of a "How are you feeling?" I got a full-blown "Congrats, you’re a walking germ factory!"

A few minutes later, she did ask if I was feeling any better, but the damage was already done. I was still half-awake and now carrying the guilt of infecting the household on top of whatever mystery virus had taken me down. Apparently, I’m not only sick—I’m also a menace. Talk about a great start to the day!



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