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My Job

It’s my third night at SeaWorld Howl-O-Scream, and things have been a bit chaotic—people are calling out, and the break schedules look like they were thrown together by a blindfolded cat. I’m already exhausted, but it’s been a pretty fun ride so far. I’m in charge of three vignettes, but luckily they’re self-sufficient, so I mostly just supervise like a tired camp counselor. The DJ keeps things light by being hilarious, so at least there's some comic relief. My only real stress comes from having to sprint into the Atlantis ride like I’m on some mission impossible, hit a start button while communicating with an actor on my phone, and somehow get my station covered without missing a beat. Oh, and let’s not forget the night I got lost in the closed gift shop—it’s a maze in there! But hey, at least now I’ve mastered walking across a plank like some pirate just to keep the show starting on time.



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