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Payback’s a Mother

When you contradict a narcissist, they don’t just want to prove they’re correct, they want to absolutely crush you. If they view you as an enemy, they must completely demolish you so that everyone around them will see how superior they are.

It’s inevitable that, at some point, a narcissistic mother’s children will contradict her and push back against her emotional abuse. As they grow into their teen years, it’s natural for children to rebel against even the healthiest of parents.

The same thing happens with the children of a narcissistic mother, but in their case, she is out for revenge any time they go against what she wants or has said. It’s a really outsized reaction to even the slightest contradiction.

In the narcissist’s mind, they must snuff out any rebellion in their children, and that makes their reaction ever more severe. These overreactions make their children either very timid or very rebellious. In either case, it can have serious consequences for the child.

If the child is rebellious, they will often run away or engage in substance abuse. Timid children often spiral into codependency. In both cases, the child’s self-esteem takes a serious hit, one from which they may never recover.



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