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Years ago, my Aunt Lee shared a poignant revelation with me, encapsulating the complexities of our family dynamics. “ My mother taught her 5 kids that the only person they could love was her.   Not even each other. She also taught them that love was conditional -- that you could only love someone if they acted the way you wanted them to.  If they fell in line.  So my sibs are living out their childhood trauma.  They never dealt with it so they are "condemned to repeat it."    They were taught to strike first because everyone's out to getcha'.” Consequently, my cousins and I are witnessing the repercussions of this upbringing, as they grapple with unresolved childhood traumas, perpetuating a cycle they never had the chance to break. The Alvarez family, entangled in this legacy of dysfunction, struggles to escape the shadow of its past, haunted by the fear of vulnerability and the instinct to strike preemptively against a world perceived as hostile.



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