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Smear Campaign

If a child is able to break away from their narcissistic mother after realizing how sick she really is, the mother will often respond with a smear campaign against their child. They will tell other family members and friends how ungrateful the child is, and even that the child has been abusive to them.

The narcissistic mother may even go so far as to go to an adult child’s place of work and spread rumors about them there. Of course, they are not above lying, and so they will make up stories to make themselves appear as the victim.

Narcissists can be quite charming when they want to be, and they can often make people believe what they are saying. For them, it gives them pleasure to feel as though they can control how other people see them.

This can irreparably damage your reputation, and in fact, they can be so adept at how they do this that you can’t do anything about it. This can make you feel isolated and alone, and it can also have you questioning whether you are the crazy one. There have even been some cases where a narcissist’s lies have gotten someone arrested, and of course, you can lose your job.



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