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This season of Survivor has been an absolute whirlwind! Each Tribal Council brings a new wave of chaos and deception, leaving viewers like myself feeling utterly shocked . It's both fascinating and disheartening to see how easily some contestants betray others, – it's like the old saying, "stab someone in the back and then ask why they're bleeding," but in the world of Survivor, it's known as a blindside. As someone who has learned the hard way about trusting too much and getting burned repeatedly, it's both frustrating and captivating to watch.I guess  it's easier for the players to screw each other over  since they just met 18 days ago but at the end of the day, it all comes down to one thing: MONEY.  I’m sure some of them will be shocked when they watch this back at home as we are.  I wish I could have the same clarity in my own life, where those who have wronged me could truly see the impact of their actions, would they even care?



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