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The Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz

The wizard metaphor is the idea that we think something outside of ourselves has all the answers. It’s that thing outside ourselves we’re always chasing. Dorothy and her friends spend the movie searching for the all mighty Wizard of Oz to give them what they are searching for.

Just like Dorothy, we tend to look externally for answers, validation, and approval. We think something or someone else will solve all of our problems. We build those things up to be grander and more powerful than we are; just like Dorothy had this grand illusion of the greatness and powerfulness of the Wizard.

In the movie, Dorothy eventually finds the Wizard only to discover a middle-aged man, a fraud, with no power at all. It was all smoke and mirrors. She only had to pull back the curtain to see. Ultimately, others you encounter on your journey can be encouraging, but no one can do it for you. The power lies within YOU.



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