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The Infamous Guilt Trip

Narcissistic mothers are famous for their ability to inflict a guilt trip on everyone in their life. Because narcissists have unrealistic expectations for the people around them, it’s inevitable that those people will disappoint them.

When that happens, the narcissistic mother will lay on the guilt to make them feel as bad as possible about their failure. It’s difficult for adults to be immune to a guilt trip, but it’s almost impossible for a child.

The guilt trip is particularly effective because the child doesn’t know that other mothers are different. They also just want to please their mother, but it soon becomes clear that will never happen.

Without help, these children turn into people pleasers and codependents. They ignore their own needs as they try futilely to please the toxic people in their life. It sets them up for a lifetime of emotional abuse.

It makes them a target for a narcissistic romantic partner since narcissists love to find someone who will focus solely on their needs. A codependent individual accustomed to narcissistic abuse fits the bill perfectly.



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