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Too Fat

Today, I decided to have a blast at Universal Studios all on my own, while Sheila was busy at work. I was super excited about riding the Harry Potter attraction and soaking up all the magic. But things took a frustrating turn when I rushed through the single rider line and got stopped for a "model seat" check. The attendant asked me to pull down the safety bar, insisting it had to click three times. Even though they didn't explicitly say it, it was clear what the issue was. They eventually let me proceed, but as the ride started, I was abruptly pulled off because the safety light didn't turn green. It was humiliating, especially since I've been on that ride countless times before. They whisked me away through some back doors in the dark, and I just wanted to vanish into thin air. The embarrassment and frustration hit me like a ton of bricks, leading to a major meltdown right in the heart of the park. Unable to shake off the feeling of inadequacy, I reluctantly decided to cut my visit short and leave. It definitely wasn't the fun-filled day I had envisioned.



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