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Triangulation is one of the most damaging narcissistic tactics because it pits family members against one another. Narcissistic parents often use it to put siblings against one another or a child against their other parent.

It is incredibly damaging to the family dynamic because no one can trust anyone else. Siblings are pitted against one another and no one knows what is the truth and what’s a lie. It’s a tool a narcissistic mother can use to undermine the relationship between her children and their father as well.

It’s another way to undermine your trust in other people. As a child, you don’t expect that your mother or father will behave that way, and you often don’t know that they have lied either. This can do irreparable harm to your relationships with siblings and your father, however, and if you do find out the lies your mother told, the damage will be even worse.

This is one of the more insidious tactics a narcissistic mother will use. You would think that if the family dynamic is undermined, it would hurt her too, but instead, she revels in watching the drama unfold.



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