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We Aren’t in Kansas Anymore

A tornado hits and Dorothy gets transported from her monochrome life in Kansas to a place called Oz. Metaphorically, this represents the need to embrace change.

The tornado is the chaos of change. Change isn’t easy and can cause significant upheaval in our lives even landing us in the Land of Munchkins. It’s scary, confusing and you don’t know what to expect.

Even so, it’s important we embrace change and move out of our comfort zones. Its during times of discomfort that we experience growth and discover who we truly are. In the movie, Dorothy soon discovers running away isn’t bringing her what she was seeking. Yet, she still continues searching externally to solve her problems and spends most of the movie searching for the Emerald City and the Wizard to help her get back home.

Metaphorically speaking, home is a reconnection with self. Home is found wherever your heart is. What we are looking for in life can’t be found over “there”.

Too often we think a person, place or thing will provide us with what we are seeking not realizing the true power comes from within.



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