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What is Spyware?

Spyware typically is installed on your device when you think you're downloading or installing something else. You may be tricked into clicking on a link in an email or text, for example, which allows spyware to infiltrate your device. Different types of spyware include:

Keystroke capture: This type of spyware tracks all the keystrokes typed into your device, and in the process can capture login information, checking account information, credit card numbers and even your Social Security number—all of which can be used to steal your identity or hijack your credit.

Adware: Other spyware tracks your web-browsing habits and uses them to display advertisements for products it thinks you'll like. These ads show up in pop-up windows in your web browser or on your device's main screen. Aside from being annoying and intrusive, these programs consume data bandwidth and can impair the performance of your device. More sophisticated versions of adware can hijack clicks you make on ads you're interested in and funnel the revenue generated by those clicks to criminals.

Stalking software: Some spyware uses the location-tracking function of smartphones and other mobile devices to report your whereabouts. This type of spyware is typically installed by an individual with physical access to the device. It has a reputation of being used by abusive partners and other predators who may know the owner of the device. If you think stalking spyware has been installed on your phone, the Federal Trade Commision (FTC) suggests seeking help from law enforcement.



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